Personal Loan Schedule
Personal Loan Schedule
Trying to get a loan for your first home can be an intimidating and confusing process. Just like buying a car, it's useful to know what you can afford and what your monthly payment will be at a certain interest rate. Before having a conversation with bankers we have developed a 'Personal Loan Schedule' thats quick to fill out and gives you the ammunition when having that first call with a Loan Officer.
To get started, you can click the link below to fill out a quick questionnaire (Google Doc.) telling us some basic information on the size of loan you wish to take on, the State and how long the term.
After completing the Questionnaire, within 5 minutes you will receive an email containing a PDF of your personalized 'Loan Schedule'. This is a quick calculation describing your projected monthly payments on a fixed year loan.
We aim at helping everyone achieve Financial stability and encourage you to also check out our other two pages 'Debt Management' and 'Savings Plan' Analysis. These are two completely free financial analysis that we offer that go hand-in-hand together. If you are having trouble managing debt or saving up for a large purchase or retirement, we employ you to check out these two pages aswell.
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