Quantitative Finance with Python
Hedging has its advantages compared to just buying or selling a put. It gives you better odds whenever something unexpected happens in the market. Greatly limits your losses on potential trades when trading Stock, Futures or Options. Hedging is mainly a risk-management strategy to reduce risk of your cash investments.
An example would be to Long a Put of Tesla, perhaps later the company had some sort of catastrophe and you expect the stock value to fall. So, you would need to Short a Put to combat your potential losses from your initial Long you placed.
You protect your cash investments when using this combination and could still come out profitable depending on your premiums. In the example below, the initial Long was less profitable than the short to receive a final profit of around $300.
Implementation of different Differential Equations to determine Option pricing
Stochastic ODE with EM and Milstein method.
I was also able to see some comparisons with the EM and Milstein method. Such as I believe the simpler of the two would be the EM method, as far as solving for SDE goes.
When using the Milstein method I think this was and is mostly used for specific Stochastic ODE’s. as the type where we implement variables such as a, and b or how coded them was by implementing gamma and mu.
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